With AnswerThePublic Pro, teammates can join the account. The admin user is the only one allowed to invite the team to the subscription.
Please review the number of users per tier on the pricing page.
Inviting a Teammate
To invite a teammate, sign in and click on Account Settings at the top right drop-down menu.
You will notice the "Users" section in the Manage Account section. Click on Invite Teammates.
Enter your teammate's email addresses and click Send Invite. They'll be asked to set a password when accepting our invite email.
Can I Invite Someone Who Already Has an Answerthepublic Pro Account?
We've introduced a new feature that enables current users to receive invitations to join other Pro accounts.
Send an invitation via email. Once they've accepted the invitation, they can seamlessly navigate between both accounts by clicking the 'Switch Accounts' button in the toolbar.
If you need assistance, contact us at support@answerthepublic.com.