Starting a free trial with AnswerThePublic is the best way to explore its trend-tracking and market research capabilities without any upfront commitment. The seven day free trial gives you full access to the platform’s powerful features, such as keyword monitoring, autosuggestion insights, and search alerts, for a limited time. This offer is exclusive to monthly and yearly plans and allows users to test the tools that best fit their needs.
Choosing the Right Plan for Your Free Trial
To begin, head over to the pricing page on AnswerThePublic’s website. Browse the three subscription tiers and select the one that suits your needs. Be sure to switch the toggle to Monthly or Annual, as the free trial is unavailable for Lifetime plans.
This ensures you can access the trial and test the full range of features in the chosen tier.
Activating Your Free Trial
After selecting a monthly or a yearly plan, click the START MY FREE TRIAL button. This will take you to the checkout page, where you must provide valid payment details. AnswerThePublic accepts credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal.
Ensure your card is enabled for international transactions to avoid any issues during payment.
What Happens After Signing Up
Once your free trial is activated, you’ll receive an email confirmation with all the necessary details. This includes the duration of the trial, the exact end date and time, and the amount that will be charged if you decide to continue with the subscription. The free trial gives you full access to all features in your chosen plan so that you can make the most of it.
Managing Your Free Trial
The free trial with AnswerThePublic is a one-time benefit. If you’ve used it previously and try to activate it again, the system will notify you about the immediate monthly or annual subscription charge. If you decide not to continue using the tool after the trial, you can cancel your subscription before the trial ends to avoid any charges.
Detailed cancellation instructions can be found here: How to Cancel My Subscription?
Need Assistance? Support is Here to Help
If you encounter any issues while signing up, such as a payment error, AnswerThePublic’s dedicated support team can help. Email the team at, including the email address used at checkout, and they will resolve the issue promptly.
With AnswerThePublic’s free trial, you can dive into powerful trend insights and keyword tracking features, gaining valuable data to enhance your content strategy and market research—all without any upfront cost!